Jacob Coursey swims at our Burleson Brick location under head coach Wendy DeLuca. He currently attends High School in Burleson and swims for his high school swim team.

Q: How did you decide to become a swimmer?
A: I’ve always liked swimming and I always wanted to join a team and do it competitively, but we never knew any teams until we found Sigma
Q: Are there any swimmers that inspire you and why?
A: I mean Michael Phelps of course! He’s like the best swimmer ever!
Q: What is your favorite event and why?
A: The 500 free, I’m a long-distance swimmer and that’s my fastest race!
Q: How many hours a week do you practice per week?
A: 15 and half hours
Q: Do you do any other sports?
A: Nope
Q: What do you do when you feel tired and must go practice?
A: Well I wake up at 5:00 every morning for high school practice so I’m always tired. But then I remember how bad I want to make State, so I just suck it up and go.
Q: What do you eat before and during swim meets?
A: I eat pasta the night before and eat beef jerky and peanut butter sandwiches during.
Q: Do you have a person or coach that pushes the hardest?
A: Um yes Coach Wendy is by far the person that pushes me the hardest!
Q: What do you tell your friends when you cannot socialize because of practice or a meet?
A: Literally almost every weekend when I’m in season I tell them I can’t go and if we can reschedule.
Q: Do you want to swim in high school or college?
A: I am swimming in high school right now and I want to continue swimming in college.