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Writer's pictureSigma Swim

Sigma Featured Swimmer Of The Week

Updated: May 19, 2021

Cassidy is a 16- year old competitive swimmer that swims at Sigma's Fort Worth North west location under Coach Jill. Cassidy is a sophomore and attends Azle High School. She also swims for her high school team.

Swimming brings me absolute joy. If I couldn’t swim, it would be taking a piece of who I am. I don’t think I’d find a sport that gives me the joy and the rush that swimming does.
Swimming brings me absolute joy. If I couldn’t swim, it would be taking a piece of who I am. I don’t think I’d find a sport that gives me the joy and the rush that swimming does.

Q: How and why did you decide to become a swimmer?

A: I always had a love for the water, the people and the competitive spirit. I went through so many other sports, but swimming was the only one I wanted to go back to.

Q: What does the sport of swimming mean to you and what would you say if you were told that you can’t swim anymore?

A: Swimming brings me absolute joy. If I couldn’t swim, it would be taking a piece of who I am. I don’t think I’d find a sport that gives me the joy and the rush that swimming does.

Q: Are there any athletes that inspire you the most and why?

A: When I first started swimming, Michael Phelps was my idol. Now I am beyond inspired and amazed by the peers that I swim with at Sigma, as well as, high school.

Q: Who is your biggest supporter?

A: My biggest supporters are definitely my parents. They go above and beyond to ensure that I have everything I need to be successful in both swimming and school.

You can’t give up, even when you think that you cannot possibly do it anymore, you always go back.
You can’t give up, even when you think that you cannot possibly do it anymore, you always go back.

Q: How has swimming impacted your social life and how do you deal with it?

A: Swimming is a very time-consuming sport. You have to give up a lot of things you want to do for it. For me personally, it doesn’t affect my social life much, I am able to do everything I’d like to do and continue swimming.

Q: Are there any life lessons you have learned, other than swimming, since you became a swimmer?

A: You can’t give up, even when you think that you cannot possibly do it anymore, you always go back. You are pushed to your limit, and you will come out on the other side being ten times better than you were when you started.

Q: What is your favorite and least event at a swim meet?

A: My favorite event to swim is the 100 Breast. Least favorite event would have to be the 200 Fly, I can conclude that I am most definitely not a Butterflyer.

Q: What do you think is your biggest accomplishment since you started swimming?

A: My biggest accomplishment is qualifying for the Regional meet and breaking one of my high school records.

Q: What do you like to do outside of swimming?

A: I enjoy hanging out with my best friends and driving everywhere I can.

Q: What are your goals for the future in swimming?

A: I hope to swim through college, and possibly continue it into my adult life. For my last two years of high school, I want to break as many records and I can before I graduate. I definitely would not have been able to be where I am without the help of my Sigma family.

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