Bekah is the head coach and site coordinator at our Sigma Duncanville location. Today we interviewed her focusing on drowning prevention, mindset and motivation.
Q: Growing up in the sport of swimming, who was your greatest inspiration, and why?
A: My dad. He was my biggest supporter. For years, he would watch all of my practices and go to all of my meets. I also had great coaches in age group who never settled for anything but my best every day.
Q: What does coaching the sport mean to you?
A: It means a lot to be able to share something that has impacted my life in many ways with the next generation. Especially to be able to coach in the same area I grew up in.
Q: So far this year, Texas has seen over 80 fatal drownings for children, with a good amount coming from right here in Tarrant County. Your thoughts?
A: Depressing! But fortunately for us, preventable. Every child should learn how to swim & how to be safe around water! The younger, the better!

Q: What role does mindset play in competitive swimmers, in both elite level and age group?
A: Mindset is everything for all ages, all abilities, even in everyday life! It can hold you back or propel you, and that choice is totally up to you!
Q: What would you tell a swim parent that is not happy with a swimmer’s performance at a swim meet?
A: Disappointment and failures are big parts of life and the learning process. How would you know what success was if you didn’t fail at some point? Parents should be their swimmer’s biggest cheerleader and provide encouragement through disappointment. Swimmers are already hard on themselves. After all, a big part of this sport is mental.
Q: What is your favorite thing about your swimmers and coaching?
A: Their personalities! They’re all so different and unique in their own ways. I enjoy getting to know them. Kids are hilarious. My swimmers make me laugh on a daily basis. I love to give them a hard time. Life’s tough. You have to be able to laugh at yourself!
Q: What piece of advice would you give to a swimmer just starting out in the sport, with a big goal such as the Olympics?
A: It will take work, but to follow their dreams and figure out the small steps it will take to get there. “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” Always look for the next way you can improve!

Q: How do you keep your swimmers motivated?
A: I try to mix things up at practice. Throw different sets at them, play some “games” as my kids call them :)
Q: Do you have a favorite sport, other than swimming?
A: Oh, all of them! I participated in lots of sports growing up, but the other sport I had a focus on was volleyball. To watch for entertainment, definitely football and hockey! Anyone that knows me knows I could talk sports all day!
Q: If you didn’t become a coach, what do you think you’d be doing right now?
A: Definitely pursuing a Registered Dietician certification. I love food and learning about how it effects and nourishes our bodies!