KaiLi Hall is an 18-year-old swimmer at Sigma Swim’s Cleburne location under Coach Tiffany. She is a senior at Cleburne High School.

Q: How and when did you decide that you wanted to be a swimmer?
A: I was playing soccer and swimming at the same time when I was in 3rd grade. I wasn’t very good at soccer because I was not aggressive enough. I decided to quit soccer because I was better at swimming.
Q: Are there any swimmers that inspire you the most and why?
A: Missy Franklin inspires me the most because she once was at the top of every international podium, now she isn’t even a finalist and yet she still loves swimming. Amongst all the sadness and doubt, Missy is working hard to be the best again with the most positive outlook any swimmer could strive for. She said in an interview that she would rather be sad in her hotel room at Omaha in 2020 than be at home wondering all the “what ifs”.
Q: How do you manage school and every day practice?
A: I do a lot of homework during lunch and try to use any free time during class to either study, do homework, or get ahead on assignments.
Q: What is your favorite event and why?
A: My favorite is the 200 IM relay because my freshman year I was so proud to be on a relay with MeiLi Hall and Victoria Childress. We always had the best time getting ready behind the block and took great pride in knowing we were one of the best.
Q: How do you feel when your friends have plans to socialize and you have practice or a meet?
A: Initially, I’m always upset and image how fun it would be to be able to hang out with my friends any day of the week. Although, in the end I know that my friends don’t want the same things as me and to obtain my goals I have to put in the work even if it isn’t convenient.
Q: What do you tell your friends when they tell you that swimming is not a real sport?
A: I normally ask them “Then, is Michael Phelps a real athlete?”

Q: Who pushes you to perform your best?
A: Anyone that is faster than me pushes me to be my best swimmer self.
Q: How do you deal with the pressure of a swim meet?
A: I have never been quite able to figure that out. Every big meet is different for me. Sometimes I take deep breaths. Other times, I tell myself that 1 minute or such is going to show forth my 8+ months of hard work, so make it worthwhile.
Q: What do you eat before and during swim meets?
A: I eat eggs before every meet and eat fruit and minimal cracker type foods during meets.
Q: Do you think that you will swim in College?
A: I don’t think I will swim in college. Swimming has been a great door that has been open for quite some time in my life, but every door has to close eventually.